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Unwanted Phone Calls

Have you received an unwanted live or recorded advertisement on your cellular phone (known as a "robo call")?

The federal government prohibits businesses from making live or prerecorded phone call advertisements to cellular phones. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), 47 USC §227, provides a statutory fine for unsolicited phone call advertisements ranging from $500 - $1,500 per violation.

Unsolicited phone call advertisements are also known as "robocalls," "unwanted calls", "nuisance calls" and "phone spam".

These advertisements are harassing and can cost the victim:

  • Cellular phone plan minutes and
  • Overcharges through their cellular phone providers.

Congress recognized this harassing practice and provides citizens a private right of action to bring a lawsuit to stop these activities.

Contact an experienced attorney now to report a violation of the TCPA. Fill out the form for a free attorney review.

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