Bohrer Brady Attorneys At Law


After an accident, you are in a vulnerable position. Your physical injuries may prevent you from working or enjoying life. The medical bills and other costs stemming from your accident can be overwhelming. If your injury was caused by the negligence of another, you need compensation from that party and any insurance companies involved. At Bohrer Brady LLC, we know that you are in a tough situation. We have the experience, resources and dedication to protect your interests and get you the compensation you deserve. We are here to help.

Our personal injury attorneys have been serving clients for more than 31 years. To schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation, contact us online or call us toll-free at 1-800-876-3911.

Why Choose Bohrer Brady LLC?

At the Bohrer Brady LLC, helping people just like you is our business - our only business. We help victims of personal injuries get compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, disability, loss of employment, loss of life, and more. Our personal injury attorneys will work closely with you to understand your injuries and seek fair and just compensation. We help injured people with a wide range of claims, including:

Our firm represents families that have lost loved ones in fatal accidents. We also represent people who have been financially injured by a company or treated unfairly by an insurance company or corporation. We will help you understand the laws and your rights. You do not have to face your troubles alone.

We are proud of our work, because our clients are everyday people: consumers, workers, accident victims, victims of nursing home abuse and others who have been injured or otherwise wronged. We do not represent large corporations, insurance companies or other large institutions. Most of our new clients come to us through referrals from satisfied past clients.

Do You Have A Personal Injury Case?
Countless situations give rise to personal injury lawsuits. If you suffered an injury and that injury was caused by someone else's negligence, you may have a case. Were you seriously injured in a car wreck, motorcycle accident or truck accident? Did a loved one suffer irreparable harm due to a defective product or a drilling rig accident?

Injuries are often the result of someone failing to act appropriately. Please call us or send an Email and tell us about what happened to you. We will evaluate your case and discuss your options. If we believe we can help, we will aggressively pursue justice on your behalf.

We offer free confidential initial consultations. Se Habla Español.